Friday, March 1, 2013

Pinterest Project #1

Good morning!  I'm back again in the same year!  I'm up a little earlier than usual this morning...had breakfast with my hubby (he's a morning person, I'm definitely not).  I now have coffee in hand, intermittently between typing, +K-Love music blaring, and I thought, "Hey, I should go ahead and blog again this morning!"  So, here I am.

I mentioned yesterday that I'd put up the processes I used for the +Pinterest projects I've completed.  If I can figure out how to upload pictures on this thing, we'll be in business.

The picture to the right is the inspiration idea for my project.  Thing is, I wanted a bookshelf and not just a table, so I had to figure out how to adapt the idea to fit my need.  I began looking at old secretaries (furniture not office workers) and found one that I liked. 

I borrowed my daughters overhead projector (she sometimes does murals) so that I could trace the pattern onto the wall in pencil.  Then I painted the base coat of semi-gloss white (I used blue tape to help me stay in the lines.) 

This was my inspiration piece.
What I printed onto the overhead projector sheet.
After adding a second coat and letting it dry, I used a tole painting technique to add the designs.  

Not sure why this is sideways, but here's where I painted in the lines.
I used a 1/2" angled flat brush, dipped 1/2 into the shadow color and 1/2 into the white, then painted the rope design below.

Pattern followed for design down each side.
My daughter, who is a graphic artist- well just artist period, but who also works at a local hardware store, came over late one evening after work to put up the shelving for me.  Originally, these were wide shelves that were on another wall.  We cut them in half to fit into new the shelf space, rounded the newly cut edge, and repainted the shelving in the same semi-gloss white. 

Used same tole painting technique for other shadow patterns. My DD, (darling daughter, got to use her new drill set that she'd gotten for Christmas when she put up the shelves for me!)

I used some old floral drawer pulls from some drawers formerly in my daughters room (they broke, so we got rid of the drawers.)  DD drilled holes where the screws formerly went, and I glued them into place.

Still sideways - hmmph!

Add books and nick-knacks and voila!  My first Pinterest project is complete.

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