Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Way is not the High Way

Okay, for someone who thinks she likes to write and wants to blog, I haven't done a very good job of it.  An average of one blog per year is pretty pathetic!'s a new year, so I'm going to try this again.

Quite a few things have changed in my life since the last time I blogged.  One main thing is that I am currently unemployed.  After serving just shy of nine years on a church staff as an administrative assistant, I was let go in October for financial reasons.  The state of the economy has now affronted me personally.  I have to admit that it came as a shock - a direct blow to my comfort and pride.  I know this for sure because my eating habits had slipped into stress/emotional eating and the scale tipped to a blaring warning that I was heading for disaster! (Another time, another blog.)  It's February now, and I'm finally starting to come to grips with (and enjoy) the new situation I find myself in.

Fairly recently, God reminded me of something I'd prayed for a few years ago...and that is that He'd help me be hospitable.  Even though I have that desire, I was often too tired to make my home presentable so that I'd feel free to be hospitable.  Not only that, but since moving into this house in 1996, it has pretty much been a construction zone in one area or another.  We've been doing one small project at a time as we could afford it (tiled entryway, hardwood floors, small library, built-in entertainment center.)  We'd definitely purchased a fixer-upper whether we realized it or not.

Late summer of last year, my husband and I felt financially secure enough to take on the big project of remodeling the kitchen.  Before that, during the summer, we'd actually finished putting the hardwood floors in the front rooms of the house.  My wonderfully talented husband did all the work (though I like to think that I helped here and there.)  I must say it turned out beautifully.  So much so, that we'd were very excited to get started on the kitchen.  I won't go into detail, but as you can imagine, the project grew.  The kitchen (& ceiling & lighting...) is now complete, and the front rooms just need a final coat of paint on the walls and the trim painted.

Most recently, I've redecorated in my daughter's old bedroom (she's 24 now and out on her own.)  It's not fancy, after all, our budgetary belts are quite tight once again.  There are at least three Pinterest projects in that room to accompany my 60's furniture from my own growing up years.  Hmm...I think I may post pictures and details of said projects soon.  This room redo cost us under $80 bucks as there were only a few items I had to purchase (curtain rod, quilt-hanging rod, rug, pillows.)  Everything else, we already had "stored" in the house or it was given to us (box springs & mattress - thanks Sis!)

Anyway, all this to show how my prayer was answered.  I would not have chosen to lose my job, but I now have time to make my house feel like a home so that we can practice hospitality.  The "new" bedroom (as well as my son's empty room) was "consecrated" in January when we hosted 13 middle school girls and two college girls for an event with our church.  It was such fun and very rewarding to have them all here for the weekend.  

[Insert non-related thought:  I've also been given the opportunity to finish a correspondence course that I began, Lord have mercy, 11 years ago!  I received a letter saying that I could pick up where I'd left off; I just had to pay the balance due.  I'd put the letter on the dining table to remind me to talk to my husband, "Q," about it.  Well, of course, I forgot to mention it, but when I saw it on the table the next morning, it had "Paid in full - I love you" written across it. I love you too, honey!]

Isaiah 55:8,9 says, 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'  

Yes they are Lord!  I am thankful that God is so patient with me.  He is always willing to lead me, one baby step at a time, the way I should go.

Romans 12:12,13 - Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

Now, where did I put that list of folks who are long overdue for an invite to dinner...?